Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sri Lanka reconciliation build, 5-11th August 2012

(click on photos to enlarge)
On day 1, the Sri Lankan rep,Tony welcomed all participants to Negombo, a small seaside fishing village. We were given a bag of goodies with a name tag, golf cap, T-shirt and drink bottle. Our work shirts were issued earlier in NZ. They were very practical, fast drying and easy to wash, i.e. if you remembered to bring some soap powder!
At the site, we were formally welcomed by dancers in traditional costumes and beating of drums. Ayubowan!
The site was situated on a coconut plantation, about 30 minutes from our hotel. Apparently the land was donated  to Habitat, Sri Lanka by the owner, a French man.
Our contingent of 97 Kiwis out numbered the Japanese, Australians, Americans and British by a wide margin. The Olympic Games seems to be a bigger attraction in London and the American contingent didn't make it because they owe people 14 trillion or something!  
The children at the site put up a concert show to welcome the 300 participants.
Then followed by speeches from the welcoming committee and politicians. The temporary hall serves also as our dining room for tea breaks and lunch for a week and also used for the closing ceremonies on 11th August.
This is the house my team will build over the next few days. The foundation, posts and door frames had already been laid with some brick walls partially built. Other building materials like bricks, sand, tiles and wood were already on site.
We inspected the foundation of house #5. Every one in our team was so excited and ready to start building, the next day.
At each house, a toilet and a well with a hand pump has been completed. We used the hand pump to draw water for mixing cement for mortar and concrete for the floors.

Some members from NZ did not know how to use this type of toilet. It has no seat, no flush mechanism or toilet paper!

1 comment:

  1. This is the second time I read this. The first time long ago when I read yr blog. This time is more meaningful because I know you now. Kudos to u. Paki Paki.
